
Directed by Brad Bird
Music by Michael Giacchino

For whatever reason, Ratatouille seems to largely be ignored when both the films of Pixar and the scores of Michael Giacchino are discussed, which is a huge shame, as the picture is filled to the brim with great music, from inventive caper scoring to that gorgeous main theme, which opens the finale of the film with a cue called ‘Anyone Can Cook’. Underscoring the huge transformation of food critic Anton Ego into a supporter of a rat-run-restaurant, it’s beautifully poignant and emotional, and soon moves into celebratory mode as Ego’s review comes out, capped off by the gorgeous song ‘Le Festin’, written by Giacchino and belted out by Gallic singer Camille. It’s a wonderful finale in respect of the film itself, but musically it’s even more glorious, and demands more recognition and respect when talking about both Bird and Giacchino’s body of work.-CB

Watch the finale below: