By Charlie Brigden


Title: Wishin’ and Hopin’

Composer: Matthew Llewellyn

The Film: Chevy Chase looks back to when he was a kid growing up in a small Connecticut town in the sixties. Molly Ringwald is his teacher and boy, am I jealous.

The Score: Matthew Llewellyn’s score is delightful. Built around a versatile and buoyant motif, it has a touch of the English at times, and at points sounds almost Hobbit-ish (it’s the woodwinds). But there’s an solid emotional core and a sense of dark humour that pulls it back when it threatens to get too saccharine.

Distinguishing Features: Llewellyn’s command of the orchestra and its palette is something immediately noticeable and commendable. The score has a wonderfully pleasant sound, but whle being light and fluffy can’t really be dismissed as some would attempt to.

Final Thoughts: Wishin’ and Hopin’ is a lovely score and Matthew Llewellyn is clearly going places. He has a fine sense of colour and thematics, and I imagine his music probably elevates the material. One to watch.

Wishin’ and Hopin’ is out now from MovieScoreMedia